There was a hearing performed in a Wisconsin courtroom Bary Barnett, a 43 year old pastor and the department of social services agreed that the father of nine, and minister of the social services agreed that the father of nine and minister at the Light house family ministries in Poynette, Wisc, punished his 12 year old son for lying to him last spring. the father used a wooden paddle to punish his son authorities are questioning whether the paddling that left bruises on the boy was child abuse. they questioned the young boy and he answered to authorities that he understood why he was being punished he said that he shouldn't never lied to his parents. the boy told authorities that he loved his father very much and that he felt safe around him. the E R where the child was treated proved that there where faint bruises but that there was no swelling and the boy was in no pain the district attorney argued that Mr Barnett " went beyond reasonable discipline and its a pattern" the boys 21 year old sister stood outside the court with a sign that said "thanks for spanking me dad" corporal punishment is still legal in 21states 200,000 children where spanked at American schools during the previous years. Alan E. Kazdin director the parenting center and child conduct clinic at Yale where he is a professor of child psychology wrote in slate that the despite the rise of the time out and other non physical forms of punishment most American parents hit, pinch, shake, or other wise lay violent hands on their 1-2 year old and 85 percent of adolescents have been physically punished by their parents 23 countries have already banned hitting kids the U.S. i s one of them more than one third of parents who start with relatively mild punishments end up hurting the child even worse by the state to define as child abuse hitting with an object harsh and cruel hitting and so on.
Isn't all hitting child abuse? i believe that there is no reason why to hit and hurt a child to discipline a child there is no need of hitting. sitting a child down and talking to them firmly is all that needs to be done to discipline a child.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
A young single mother that lives in Brooklyn, has a daughter who is blind and a three year old son who is very hyper. the child once stuffed a cat down the toilet, and had also caused a minor fire. this mother broke down one day after being notified that her electricity would be shut off, and after discovering that her son had poured red ink all over her furniture. she then felt very stressed and had to find a solution and help not to neglect or abuse of her child without wanting to do so. she went for help at the New York Founding Hospital this is a program that helps prevent child abuse. they hold up children for one or two nights. in the last five years reports of child buse have increased up to 100 percent according to the national comittee for the prevention of child abuse in Chicago. this center was established last April by the medical director Dr Vincent J. Fontana as an "island of safety". theis center was opened after Dr Fontana found out about three New York City children dying of abuse in one week in 1980. she demanded that if no help was avaible to help such parents in these cases she would resign. this nursery can hold up to 10 children per night and it is not yet widely known about 247 children have stayed from 188 different families that have gone seeking for help during the first year. the center has also received up to 2,335 calls on the parent hot line at the hospital. most children admitted on the center are under 6 years of age. in this mother's case the center helped her enroll her son in a part time daycare and also offered her a weekly program in mothering. most parents are afraid to go out and ask for help concerning these cases, afraid that their child might be taken away . Flo Ceravalo the crisis nursery assistant director states that "to help a child one must connect with the parent".
A young single mother that lives in Brooklyn, has a daughter who is blind and a three year old son who is very hyper. the child once stuffed a cat down the toilet, and had also caused a minor fire. this mother broke down one day after being notified that her electricity would be shut off, and after discovering that her son had poured red ink all over her furniture. she then felt very stressed and had to find a solution and help not to neglect or abuse of her child without wanting to do so. she went for help at the New York Founding Hospital this is a program that helps prevent child abuse. they hold up children for one or two nights. in the last five years reports of child buse have increased up to 100 percent according to the national comittee for the prevention of child abuse in Chicago. this center was established last April by the medical director Dr Vincent J. Fontana as an "island of safety". theis center was opened after Dr Fontana found out about three New York City children dying of abuse in one week in 1980. she demanded that if no help was avaible to help such parents in these cases she would resign. this nursery can hold up to 10 children per night and it is not yet widely known about 247 children have stayed from 188 different families that have gone seeking for help during the first year. the center has also received up to 2,335 calls on the parent hot line at the hospital. most children admitted on the center are under 6 years of age. in this mother's case the center helped her enroll her son in a part time daycare and also offered her a weekly program in mothering. most parents are afraid to go out and ask for help concerning these cases, afraid that their child might be taken away . Flo Ceravalo the crisis nursery assistant director states that "to help a child one must connect with the parent".
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
mother of octuplets

Nadya suleman is only 33 years old single mom already raising six young children in the small home of her parents. Nadya is a health care worker who became pregnant through invitro fertilization. she felt that six children where not enough for her to raise on her own and decided that she would have multiple embryos to be implanted in her womb without thinking what harm she may have caused to herself or even to the children. she gave birth to eight children on january 26, 2009. if something like this wouldve happened in Great Britain Nadya along with her doctor wouldve been arrested. The laws in Great Britain concerning embryo fertilization only permits/allows two embryos to be implanted at a time. in california they have no rules concerning this matter, fertility clinics as well as doctors that make alot of money can do as they please. Nadya's eight new baby's weight less than three pounds the smallest one is a pound in a half doctors say that these children may have problems growing up. when the babies leave the hospital they will be taken to a three bedroom house in Los Angeles, where there will also be seventeen adults taking care of them. people ask themselves who will pay for this chances are taxpayers Nadya doesnt have enough money and her parents have filed for bankrupcy. the hospital bill for the octuplets and mother is estimated to be around $1.3 million.
i am not trying to state that embryo fertilization is something wrong or something that i am against, but i think that she wouldve done this in a more moderate way she already has six children and had them also by multiple embryo fertilization why did she need so many embryos implanted she is only 33 years old is not married. how would she support these 14 children if not with the goverments help. how much time will she have for them. i wonder if when she gets older she would regret it or give the children up. i think it is child abuse why would you have eight more children when you are struggling trying to raise the six that you already have.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
child abuse and neglect
In the United States there is an estimate of about 906,000 children that are victims of child abuse which falls in the categories of neglect, also child abuse can be sexual or sometimes even emtional. child abuse happens in many different ways the one that is most striking/shocking is physical abuse because it usually leave marks used foer evidence.
child abuse can happen for many different types of complicated reasons one of them is havig a history of child abuse some of these parents that abuse their children more than likely where also abuse. they claim that that's the way they grew up and that they dont know any better. some parents also abuse their children because of so called "stress" and lack of support . being a parent is not always easy specially on teenagers when these young adults become parents they are still sometimes children minded they still want to do things as before like going to parties and hanging out with friends and they get upset because it is not possible like before now they have responsibility and obligations and dont know how to balance it or sometimes dont have the help of an adult to guide them. alcohol and drugs are also sometimes excuses of child abuse
due to their severe intoxication they dont really know whats really happening or all the harm they can cause.
may people argue the fact that they just are trying to discipline their children but in my opinion i think that to discipline a child you dont have to beat them, push them,or pull their hair. there are many other ways to discipline a child for eample talking to the child and giving the child rules and regulations thet he or she need to folllow.
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