There was a hearing performed in a Wisconsin courtroom Bary Barnett, a 43 year old pastor and the department of social services agreed that the father of nine, and minister of the social services agreed that the father of nine and minister at the Light house family ministries in Poynette, Wisc, punished his 12 year old son for lying to him last spring. the father used a wooden paddle to punish his son authorities are questioning whether the paddling that left bruises on the boy was child abuse. they questioned the young boy and he answered to authorities that he understood why he was being punished he said that he shouldn't never lied to his parents. the boy told authorities that he loved his father very much and that he felt safe around him. the E R where the child was treated proved that there where faint bruises but that there was no swelling and the boy was in no pain the district attorney argued that Mr Barnett " went beyond reasonable discipline and its a pattern" the boys 21 year old sister stood outside the court with a sign that said "thanks for spanking me dad" corporal punishment is still legal in 21states 200,000 children where spanked at American schools during the previous years. Alan E. Kazdin director the parenting center and child conduct clinic at Yale where he is a professor of child psychology wrote in slate that the despite the rise of the time out and other non physical forms of punishment most American parents hit, pinch, shake, or other wise lay violent hands on their 1-2 year old and 85 percent of adolescents have been physically punished by their parents 23 countries have already banned hitting kids the U.S. i s one of them more than one third of parents who start with relatively mild punishments end up hurting the child even worse by the state to define as child abuse hitting with an object harsh and cruel hitting and so on.
Isn't all hitting child abuse? i believe that there is no reason why to hit and hurt a child to discipline a child there is no need of hitting. sitting a child down and talking to them firmly is all that needs to be done to discipline a child.
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I know what you mean. I work with kids and it is a lot of work. From what I learned to punish a kid you need to talk to them on their level(to kneel down)and have them understand why it was wrong. Yelling or even hitting a child will never solve the problem. Yes, you can put the fear of god in their eyes and they wont do it again. It will leave a lasting negative image in their minds from what is right and wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the child stated to authorities that he feels safe around his father and that he loves him should give you ALL a clue! He surely has been given the option to lie again, to leave the house, to place his father under arrest and yet he says he feels safe. Let's put our enery into something a bit more pressing, like the number of children who are now homeless because their father (or mother or parents) are now unemployed and lost their home. Can't we worry about a "feeling safe" boy's paddled butt later after the country is a better and safer place?
ReplyDeletesome kids do not listen to you when you speak to them. My mom used to spank me when i was little and i wouldn't be the woman that i am today if she did not do so. you obviously have to draw the line between what becomes spanking and child abuse.
ReplyDeleteWho did the spanking in school."
ReplyDeleteWhat is child abuse?
Child abuse is the physical, psychological or sexual maltreatment of children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines child maltreatment as any act or series of acts or commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child.[1] Most child abuse happens in a child's home, with a smaller amount occurring in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological/emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.
Different jurisdictions have developed their own definitions of what constitutes child abuse for the purposes of removing a child from his/her family and/or prosecuting a criminal charge. The mental health journal states that child abuse is defined as “any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation, an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm.”
I believe that a child is to be disciplined by his/her guardian only not by a teacher or anyone else maybe or family member a very very very close family member. I do not believe that a father spanking his child is abuse sometimes you have to do that to what extent is the question. leaving bruises on the kids is a definititely abuse. you also have to becareful what you use and how you "hit" your children you also have to take into consideration your state of mind. Allot of times parents are upset and they will discipline a child while they are upset that will cause you to hit the child even harder that you normally would. I have 4 kids and yes I so occasionally have to yell at three of them or slap them on there bottom, I do not agree in using objects to hit the kids. sometimes it hurts me more than it hurts them. I was beaten alot by my parents and I dont believe it have anything to do with the way I turned out. It hurt like hell I refuse to deliberately cause pain on my kids.